Not many web designers in Atlanta can claim to have 20 years of experience under their belt. But this year, Bright Tribe founder and President, Brian Dempsey, is celebrating!
“It’s really quite remarkable when I think of how long I’ve been doing web design and online marketing,” says Dempsey. “When I think of how many web designers have come and gone, I’m really thankful that we’re still around – and doing great work. In fact, we’re busier than ever!”
So what’s the secret to being a successful web designer for so long?
“Never stop learning,” Brian was quick to point out. “Things change, and you have to be willing to adapt quickly, or you’ll get left behind.” This can be seen in Bright Tribe’s focus on WordPress webdesign. When Bright Tribe was founded, the emphasis was on custom, enterprise level development that took a team of programmers and developers sometimes six months to deliver. Now, however, Bright Tribe is able to deliver beautiful, highly functional websites in weeks rather than months.
Another important aspect to Bright Tribe’s success is their focus on their clients’ business needs rather than technology and platforms. “When we talk to clients,” says Dempsey, “our focus is on understanding their business and marketing needs. We try to understand how they make money and how we can help to shorten the sales cycle, increase profitability and expand their brand awareness online. It’s not about their website, it’s about their business.”
20 years of Website Design
Although it’s impossible to track all of the changes in web design over the last 20 years, it’s amazing to think that we’ve gone from dial-up, text only websites to animated GIFs and table formatting, to the world of “Web 2.0” with its interactive media to today’s mobile, device-independent social web.